

Get capital to grow your business.

Achieve market leadership with investment capital, strategic advice, and invaluable connections.

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See if you're a good fit.

Investment Thesis

01Industry Agnostic
We are open to investing in any industry. Show us how your company will change an industry.
02Return Potential
We seek companies that have the potential for a risk adjusted return of 5-10x and have an exit strategy.
03Geographic Focus
757 Angel applicants should be based in Virginia, or make a significant economic impact here. Likewise, VentureSouth applicants should be based in the Southeast, making a significant impact here, or be willing to move here.
Abraham Kamarck
Abraham KamarckFounder, TrueMade Foods
"757 Angels ran the smoothest and simplest diligence and pitch process that I have participated in on the East Coast."
Member meeting pitch event
757 Angel-funded company, ivWatch
757 Angel funded company, ivWatch

Investment Criteria

Attractive candidates will typically be raising rounds of $500,000 - $5,000,000. 757 Angels' members are looking for companies that are poised for growth.


We look for teams that are passionate, driven, and coachable. Teams must be ready to work with advisors and/or a Board of Directors.
Target Customer

Your market segment is identified and has proven there is a demonstrable and significant demand for the proposed solution.

Market Size

The projected spending in the product category is large and growing.

Your potential competitors are identified, and there is an understanding of the company’s differentiation points.

You have proven the concept behind the product or technology. This should be confirmed with data or by objective experts.
Sales Strategy

You have a plan to achieve widespread market penetration for the products and services.
Capital Needs

You have identified use of funds raised and how they will grow the business. You know how much capital will be needed to breakeven.

You have developed reasonable financial projections based on logical and realistic assumptions.
Exit Strategy

You have a clear exit strategy that will enable Angel investors to generate a return of five to ten times their initial investment.

Vetting Process

757 Angels vetting process lasts 8 weeks from application deadline to member meeting. On average, 6% of applicants reach the final stage and are awarded an opportunity to pitch to 757 Angels' network members.
Application funnel. Click to view details.

Member meeting pitch event in Virginia Beach
Networking with Angel investors
Networking with angel investors

Funding Cycles

757 Angels operates in 3 eight week cycles a year, with VentureSouth attending each member meeting for their mutual consideration of opportunities being pitched. Off-cycle deals will be referred to VentureSouth for their consideration as well.

Cycle #1 - Winter
January Application Deadline
March Member Meeting

Cycle #2 - Spring
March Application Deadline
June Member Meeting

Cycle #3 - Fall
September Application Deadline
November Member Meeting

Get capital to grow your business.

Apply for Funding